Roots and Wings School
Where the essence of every child is honoured
Our son, now 9, began attending Roots and Wings at age 2. For the past 7 years, we have joyfully watched our shy little guy blossom into a confident, engaged, emotionally intelligent superstar who adores his school!
Roots and Wings has been an unbelievable blessing to us. Soraya and her staff have created a magical environment that combines practical education with a strong focus on creativity, nature and emotional awareness.
An absolute gem in Brussels!
Jenn Thomlinson
Our daughter started at the preschool of Roots and Wings four years ago. This immediately brought a huge relief for our family as our daughter came from a local school where she could not adapt. The transition into the Roots and Wings was seamless, without any hardship, tears or stress, as we were able to stay with her at school for as long as she needed. Ever since then, she loves every day spent at school. Apart from advancing academically, she is developing into a creative, emphatic and kind person with excellent communication and teamwork skills. Constantly being in nature and having lots of free play moments resulted in her being physically and mentally strong and stable. We could not imagine a better place for the development of our child."
Agne Glodenyte and Nuno Santos
Roots and Wings has been our best schooling experience ever!
Our kids did not go to an early nursery, they used to be at home when younger.
Soraya has created an incredibly emotionally safe environment where kids can develop all their skills in close contact with the nature. As for their own identity, unlike conventional schools, it has never been harmed or un-respected. Every educational need is achieved with much wisdom, playfulness and empowering tools.
We have now moved to another country and our children go to a conventional school. Our older son is already in second grade. Even though it’s a good school, he doesn’t feel the same enthusiasm and interest for learning. They are taught in a rigid manner, topics are too disconnected, there is hardly any place for joy and creativity, the holistic approach of Roots and Wings is definitely missing.
We wish we could clone Soraya’s school and bring it to Estonia.
Evgeniya Slinko
When we came to Brussels, we wanted to find our children a school where they could run around freely in the nature and have big smiles on their faces.
Roots and Wings had the right location, and the most creative teachers who can turn any play time into a fun learning experience – on ecosystems in a forest, how and why seasons change, how to do divisions using chestnuts, and so on.
Soraya and her whole team care for every child with lots of love and respect for individual personalities. We were amazed at how they can instantly spot the best traits in every student, and always remain positive. As the name suggests, we were able to witness our children develop deep-rooted thinking and imagination with wings.
In Japan we have a saying “桜梅桃李(ow-bai-tou-ri)”. Each of the 4 characters mean: cherry blossom, plum, peach, and apricot. It means every person is unique, just like the four spring flowers are all beautiful in their own way. Whenever we think of Roots and Wings, this saying comes to mind.
Our son had three wonderful years, and our daughter one. They both finished their first day with a bursting grin, that continued till their last day. It was truly a unparalleled experience for both parents and children alike. Soraya was very open and welcoming when we first met her to know more about Roots and Wings. Our son who was 6 at the time instinctively decided right then and there, “I want to go to this school.” He went on to experience the joy of being accepted by being himself, to learn how to treat others with equal respect, and to be open and at peace with his mind.
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you, Roots and Wings.
Azusa and Go Kobayashi
パルマンティエ公園に位置するRoots and Wingsは、森の中の教室という言葉がぴったりでした。そして教師陣はその自然を余すところなく活用し、あらゆる遊びを楽しい学びに変えていってくれました。生徒たちは森林の生態系を観察し、季節の移ろいを感じ、拾った栗を使って算数問題を解いていました。
ソラヤを中心とした教師チームは生徒一人一人に愛情を持って接し、個性を大切に育んでくれました。彼らは生徒たちの長所をすぐ見つけることができ、いつも肯定的でした。「桜梅桃李」、ここでは他人と比べる事なく、皆それぞれが独自の美しい花を咲かせていました。そしてRoots and Wingsはその名の通り、子供たちに深い思考力を根付かせ、想像力を羽ばたかせてくれました。
私たちはRoots and Wingsに出会えたことに心から感謝しています。
Roots and Wings feels like home to me. I knew from the first visit that our son belonged here. It ticked all the boxes for us. One thing I like mostly is that all the teachers have the same positive energy and you’ll always find one or two children being hugged by their teacher. Never have I heard them raise their voice. I love what Soraya once said “here it is a no- judgement zone”. And I feel no judgement coming from any of the staff. Roots and Wings is not only for our kids, it is also for us parents. It feels like a village.
It feels safe, welcoming and joyous. Teaching there doesn’t only happen indoors, because at first you’ll wonder “how are they going to cope with kids in a small indoor space? ”, “ will my child be able to nap?”. Trust me, when they want to nap, they will. Probably tired from all the outdoor activities they do, and will sleep even better at night. So we couldn’t have chosen a better school for our son.
Buyani Hognas
For me, Roots and Wings has been a gift from heaven. When I leave my children there in the morning, I know I can fully trust in their professionalism and experience, and I´m sure that is the absolute best place for them to be.
They always welcome them with a smile, and offer them cuddles, for them to feel safe.
When they feel loved, safe, protected and happy, they play and learn.
The premises are amazing, really cute. They are really blessed to be able to grow in such a green environment. I love it when I pick them up, and they are outside playing, enjoying nature, looking for bugs, climbing trees or running.
All the teachers are amazing. My children love them, Ashley, Dominique, and Soraya, who are the teacher with whom they spend most of the time.
Besides the other activities: the clown, music, art, cooking, time with Olivier, Eric, and music with Noemi on Friday! It's really fun for them and they learn a lot. Mainly, what I am most grateful for is how they grow emotionally; in an environment where all their feelings and emotions are honored.
Soraya has a gift, and for me, she has opened the door to a wonderful world of consciousness that I will always be grateful.
Tatiana Varela
When my daughter became two and half, we worried if we could find a good school for our daughter.
It was very impressive that my daughter wanted to play with Soraya at the first visit although she was super shy, and we were convinced this was the school for her.
Thanks to its small sized class and family like atmosphere, she got used to it smoothly and also learned English very quickly.
At this school, mixed age children learn together, and each opinions or interests are respected. It helped my daughter to be social, communicative, and self confident.
There is hardly any school like Roots and wings in Japan, we are really thankful to Soraya and her team.
菅原智子 Tomoko Sugahara
Je voudrais témoigner en tant que parents de la réelle cohérence qu'il y a entre ta vision, ton discours, les valeurs que tu souhaites mettre en place et la réalité de terrain. Chaque enfant est vraiment accueilli avec une bienveillance extraordinaire. Il y a une profonde volonté de respecter l'enfant lui-même mais aussi son rythme, ses besoins, ses intérêts, ses talents...quoi de mieux pour un parent de savoir que son fils ou sa fille passe ses journées à évoluer dans la nature, dans la joie, avec un encadrement rassurant qui l'encourage à aller plus loin dans ses réflexions, plus loin dans ses apprentissages, qui trouve le moyen extraordinaire de lui permettre de se dépasser, de gagner par la même occasion de la confiance en lui et de l'estime personnelle, sans pour autant y mettre la moindre pression...
Quel enthousiasme de permettre à son enfant de devenir progressivement un adulte outillé
pour le monde de demain qui aura appris à se connaître, à se comprendre mais aussi qui aura appris à comprendre les autres, à respecter les autres et le monde qui l'entoure et SURTOUT qui sera capable de s'adapter.
Quel bonheur de venir récupérer son enfant chaque jour dans un cadre de verdure exceptionnel au milieu des rires et sourires des enfants et de l'équipe pédagogique qui y travaille...
Quel épanouissement et quel chemin de notre fils Igor...
Renaud Festraets